The International Kendo Federation (FIK)The International Kendo Federation (FIK) was founded in 1970 and is the international federation of national and regional Kendo associations and the world governing body for Kendo. The FIK is a non-governmental organisation, and its aim is to promote and develop Kendo, Iaido (Way of the sword) and Jodo (Way of the stick). When FIK, that is a non-political aasociation, was founded seventeen national or regional federations were participating. 57 countries and regions are members in May 2017. The headquarter of the FIK is located in the All Japan Kendo Federation building in Tokyo. Every three years since 1970 FIK is conducting the World Kendo Championship. |
Kendo glossary |
Japanese expressions used in kendo. Osame-to and read more |
The legendary samurai |
Musashi won over 60 duels - often by using his two swords, and a peculiar strategy of arriving late to the scene. Read more |
World Championships |
Results of the kendo competitions held every third year since 1970. Read more |