Dynamic Japan

To really understand and know Japan, it is important to experience the atmosphere of the place, but above all to meet the fantastic people who, after all, are the ones that shape the country and its culture. Respecting a country's culture has opened many doors for those who understand this. Japan is no exception.

As a passionate Kendoka you will sooner or later tour  Dynamic Japan. Even if you first of all are planning to go from one Dojo to the next Japan is a country that has so much more to offer.

Ancient temples, Sachihoko and high tech

Ancient temples, stunning scenery in the country side, Manga and Anime, peaceful oasis in the middle of million-people cities, sumo, Mount Fuji, living treasures, Sachihoko*, a pulsing night life, Sake, Tokyo National Museum, high tech, Mikasa**, Samurai festivals and much, much more also give this great country its atmosphere.

In the northern Japan, you can ski the slopes of the Olympics, on the main island Honshu, you have modern, forward-looking cities, Alps and fertile plains. In the south you will find hot springs, and even further south small islands with white sandy tropical beaches. And you can travel with some of the world’s fastest trains. Shinkansen, but also find efficient public transportation in the cities and rural areas.

World class cuisine

Amazing Japan offers a cuisine that is among the best in the world, Sushi, Noodles, Sahimi, Tekkanyaki, Tempura and many other specialities served or cooked on fresh ingredients. And all prefectures in Japan have their cuisine, in the global metropolitan Tokyo you will find them all.

GlobalKendo.com is not a travel guide

Amazing Japan offers culture, business and opportunities in a class of its own even in a global comparison. GlobalKendo.com is not a travel guide but we want to provide some information you ought to know when you go to Dynamic Japan.

*Sachihokoa god of water - a Japanese mythological animal  that had the head of a tiger and the body of a carp.  The Sachihoko  was supposed to protect castles and temples from fire as it was believed to have the power to bring rain if a fire started.  (The Sachihoko, photo to the left, belong to the Honorary Consul-General of Japan in Malmo, Sweden, Leif Almo).   

**Mikasa, a battleship, formerly of the Imperial Japanese Navy.  Launched in 1900 and  the flagship of Admiral Tôgô Heihachirô during the Battle of Tsushima in 1905. She is preserved as a museum ship at Yokosuka and is described as one of the "Three Great Historical Warships of the World", together with Victory in Portsmouth, UK, and Constitution in Boston, USA.


New films

See the movie
Kendo glossary
Japanese expressions used in kendo. 
Osame-to and read more
The legendary samurai
Musashi won over 60 duels - often by using his two swords, and a peculiar strategy of arriving late to the scene. Read more
World Championships
Results of the kendo competitions held every third year since 1970. Read more
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